Public Disclosure of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for CEDP- Additional Financing

The Government of Uganda (GoU) has applied for credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards Additional Financing (AF) of the Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP AF) in order to scale up the successful outcomes, with the aim of deepening both the sustainability and impact of the current operations.

The Project Development Objective is to increase Private Sector Investment in Tourism Sector and strengthen access to and eff ectiveness of the Land Administration System. The AF is intended to complete the implementation of the Land and Tourism components while consolidating and enhancing the achievements realized as well as scaling up activities under these components.

In compliance with the World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies and Public Disclosure requirements, Government of Uganda through Private Sector Foundation Uganda/Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project has prepared an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for Additional Financing projects.

The CEDP AF is expected to commence within Financial Year 2020/21 for a period of three years.

The Copies of the ESMF and RPF for the projects can be   pdf viewed here >> (3.11 MB)